'Here we were winding down and now we've got this great crowd,' he says. The Rosa general manager Jerry Stellmach says that he is pleased with the crowd. The restaurants won't know about the Gay Bar's arrival until sometimes a few hours beforehand and members don't find out the location until a few days before. 'And it helps the local economy.'Īs the room begins to fill up, it's clear that the economy in the Rosa has indeed been helped.
'We wanted a better bar, a way to meet people and socialize,' says Carragher. 'And the advantage of this is that there is no financial commitment,' adds Monte. The three of us sat down and said, 'well, we should do a gay bar,' ' says Flowers. 'And of course necessity is the mother of invention. 'I met Glen and Peter on Craig's List and moved in with them and we were saying, 'there's nothing here.' I wondered how was I ever going to meet anyone, what do you do about being gay here?'
'There's no community in terms of an organized gay community here,' says Carragher.
'We have friends who go into Boston and of course there's Ogunquit, but we wanted to have something closer,' says Monte.